Saturday 30 May 2015

Kalgoorlie still 30/5

Did a bit of shopping today, Sharon bought a jump start  power pack. Refilled the gas cylinders, quite proud, I actually, unscrewed the hoses, took the gauge off.

We had lunch at Monty's.then drove our beautiful ladies to Sherree's and parked them across the road on the concrete drive.

We toured Questa Casa, the Madam was soooo funny, her husband passed away 20 hrs ago, she thought she would go mad, her doctor told her to take up some interest, so she bought a brothol., LOL,

Roy washed our Solar panels for us and checked that I had screwed the gas hoses on ok.
Sherree and  Roy, shouted us pizza, what lovely people.,

Kalgoorlie WA, Fri 29/5

Woke up at 5.28am, txt Sonia Happy Birthday, went back to sleep.

Drove in to Kalgoorlie, was very busy on the road, all these white utes and 4Wds zooming past us,I asked who opened the flood gates.,

Lots and lots of mines here, mainly gold.

We pulled into Centennial Park, 24hr free camp with loos.,

Sharon unhitched seedling, she had forgotten her ignition on for two days, her battery was flat. I pulled out my Aldi jump starter, Sharon just started to put the clamps on before I could stop her there was sparks flying, I yelled no no  no, red on red.,,, I pulled them off., put the red on  red, the black on the metal bit on the motor,  it actually worked, seedling started we laughed., "I am woman hear me roar" LOL,. Sam, every time you repeated red on red, I did listen, my love

Toured around the town, lots of pubs here, had lunch at a chinese buffet $11, DELICIOUS

Colin's niece Sherree came to visit us, lovely young lady., invited us to stay in front of her house.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Free Camping Goulgarde WA Thurs 28/5

We left early this morning, I'd like to share what our routine is when we're back on the road.

Me:  Radio check, Miss Daisy
Sharon: My ears are on Athena
Me: Wagons hoooooo

After a little while I asked to stop soon I was getting hungry as we didn't have brekky., a male voice came over the radio, "you won't get anything till you get to Kali" then he asked which way were we heading, I said straight, he laughingly replied, left or right, I replied, which ever way the wind blows, he replied, the wind was blowing him side ways at the moment., I asked where are you, he replied behind you. I couldn't see anyone, then in the far distance I could see a Road Train coming up fast.

He got really close, I asked if he wanted me to drive his truck, he laughed and backed off, well then Sharon decided to have a conversation with him, His getting closer again, I'm getting closer to Miss Daisy, till there were only a few metres between us all, I said my isn't this cosy., he backed off again., He didn't overtake us till Norseman, he just wanted to talk, LOL.,

Norseman, is where Wilson's Diesel Mechanics is, where I was broken down on my last journey. I went in and yelled out, "is this where the crappy mechanic is" Travis had a smile, he sort of remembered me., Graham's still working hard, still saying one day I'll be on the road too......
Travis was nice enough to check both Athena's and Miss Daisy's tyres, even the spares. Thanks Travis.

We're stopped at a 24hr free camp, with water and a dump spot, only regulation is that we take our rubbish, don't empty our grey water, and if we could please shop in the town., we went down and bought food for tonight.,

Met a solo male John, 83 yes young, been travelling full time for 20 months, bless his heart.

Fraser Range Climbing high Wed 27/5

We walked 2.5hrs up the mountain, spectacular views., saw lots n lots of gorgeous kangaroos., starring at us, with there ears up., Greys, Reds, and golden coloured ones., wonderful wedge tailed eagles did there glide over us, they seemed so close, as if they were guiding us.,

We had to follow the arrows, some were hard to see., this is really beautiful country., lots of floweres were out. We finally made it to the summit, there was a rock pyramid waiting for us, there was an old microwave, we opened the door and there were books to sign., I wrote"Today I have soured with the eagles, it makes my soul feel alive - frangipani

As we climbed down we began to sing, we were happy, exhausted but great., there was a beautiful chestnut horse waiting for us at the bottom, he followed us into camp.,

Fraser Range Station still Tues 26/5

We walked around the property, saw Emus, goats, chickens, then we did our washing., We went over to the camp fire
But decided to go see Sue n Pete instead, Sue shared her bikkies n dips with us., Later Richard showed us graves on the property, 2 adults and one infant. They were from the early 1940's The Todd family owned the property before. It started to get dark, so we waited for the sunset and the gorgeous stars., stunning.  Were told that there had been a visitor in the dining room tonight, a Python, decided to visit, they live in the trees.

Monday 25 May 2015

Fraser Range Station Mon 25/5/2015

OMG had a fantastic feeling driving down there road, beautiful property, 478 000 acres,  Met lovely people, Sue and Peter Bannister, full time nomads, with Buster there gorgeous dog, they drive a Beautiful Paradise Motorhome,  also met 2 solo males, Richard a school teacher on the property, Denis a Pom, who lives in New Zealand and is riding a bicycle crossing Aus  and camping on the way, he averages 100ks a day.,

Belladonia and Fraser Range Station WA Sun 24/5/2015

Went for a stroll, I realized this was the place I stayed at previously, it was devastated by a severe storm, all the trees had been uprooted, the car that was up the tree was strewn all over the place.
We came across a lovely couple with the bonnet of there F250 up. He was changing a flat tyre, we thought we would watch, his wife told us how they bird watch, and told us the different birds we saw.
The crow with a beard is a raven.

This is my version of a "speckled chested, long beak, big foot honey eater" that came to say hello.

Another night at Moonara Tank, WA, Cockerbilly WA. Sat 23/05/2015

We decided to stay on today, still tired, I woke at 6.16am, pulled the blind down, could see the sun just about to rise, grabbed my camera and ran outside, beautiful,

We made pasta bolognaise for brunch, with all the stuff we had left in our cupboards, believe me there looking really empty. a bit of this a bit of that a YUMMO!!!!!!!


few frozen onion pieces, mince, oregano, garlic, basil, chives, chillie flakes, I tin of drained corn, 1 tin of baked beans, a dash of tomato sauce, a dash of worcheshire sauce, half a tin of tomatoes, a few frozen peas and a small jar of caramelised onions, wohlla!!!!! served on a bed of spiral pasta. LOL

Went for a stroll, I realized this was the place I stayed at previously, it was devastated by a severe storm, all the trees had been uprooted, the car that was up the tree was strewn all over the place.
We came across a lovely couple with the bonnet of there F250 up. He was changing a flat tyre, we thought we would watch, his wife told us how they bird watch, and told us the different birds we saw.
The crow with a beard is a Raven.

 gorgeous tiny white flowers

Mundrabilla WA, Water Tanks and Moonara Tank camp Fri 22/5/2015

Made eggs n spinach foe a change LOL, Sharon made extra bacon on her inbuilt bbq, I guts myself love bacon. felt sick, that will teach me.

We made our way to Mundrabilla, there is two huge rain tanks for travellers to fill up, if its rained.

We were wrapped, we had water, Sharon decided to sing on the two way, before I could pickup the mike, a deep voice came over,"What the bloody hell was that" we couldn't stop laughing.

On to the road again, after a few Ks I radio we should pull up for a coffee break, go which a voice said " There's. Macca's up the road"..LOL

We were getting very tired, saw majestic eagles and lots of dead kangaroo's and emus, I think the time difference has caught up with us. I ran over what i thought was a thin branch, turned out to be a metal piece, probably came off a truck that hit a roo. frightened the hell out of me, all is good.

We found a spot to camp it was filthy, can't believe how people are pigs., most prohable backpackers, don't give a toss.

Then Sharon found a great spot, it just went on and on, lots of little camp sites with little fire pits, I stated to Sharon, " this is hugh can't believe how big this is" to that a voice came over the two way "Yes everyone says that love" laughter galore, We were exhausted decided to have a shower and we would meet outside for nibbes later, I layed on my settee just for a bit, when I opened my eyes, it was dark. I went straight to bed slept like a log.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Off to Western Australia Thurs 21/05/2015

Had a fantastic sleep, woke at 8.00am, I couldn't believe it, I had a Caravan parked up close to me and camper in front. This place is huge, I'm amazed how close people park.

Drove Athena to the showers, it was too wet for me to walk, had a fantastic hot pressure $1 shower.
Made coffee and then followed Miss Daisy back onto the Eyre Hwy, onward west.

We stopped for morning tea at a fantastic spot overlooking the  calm ocean.


Yakked with fellow travellers over the two way. Saw a cop pull over two cars, then this government looking 4WD, devided to follow us, pass and then wait for us a few ks up, then follow us again. WEIRD!!!!!!

Went to another look out, there was a yourng german couple broken down there, I asked if they wete ok, they were happy enought, just waiting for a mechanic, he asked if I was the mechanic, LOL. we left them safe when a police 4wd pulled up with a mechanic.

Stopped at Border Village for brunch, Mushrooms on toast. Then over to the quarantine station to hand over my lemon, the lady boarded Athena, was happy to see Sam Bear, wished me luck and off again.

Stopped at Eucla, did the tourist thing, saw the Telegraph Station, the sand has taken it over, the air strips, and the cross of the traveller

We pulled up at a beautiful spot Najada Rock Pool, approx 40ks out of Eucla.
A solo lady pulled in after us. Julie 72 yrs, has travelled from Queensland, across the top and now is heading east. Her heritage is Italian French, her ancestors came out in the 1800's and started a dairy farm. Julie's husband sas Thai, she still lives in Thailand with her children, her husband  passed away from bowel cancer 5 years ago.

Here we are three hurting, lost ladies, sharing a camp fire, gorgeous sunset, and looking at the stars, pure bliss. Hope I'm still travelling at 72 yrs.