Saturday 30 May 2015

Kalgoorlie WA, Fri 29/5

Woke up at 5.28am, txt Sonia Happy Birthday, went back to sleep.

Drove in to Kalgoorlie, was very busy on the road, all these white utes and 4Wds zooming past us,I asked who opened the flood gates.,

Lots and lots of mines here, mainly gold.

We pulled into Centennial Park, 24hr free camp with loos.,

Sharon unhitched seedling, she had forgotten her ignition on for two days, her battery was flat. I pulled out my Aldi jump starter, Sharon just started to put the clamps on before I could stop her there was sparks flying, I yelled no no  no, red on red.,,, I pulled them off., put the red on  red, the black on the metal bit on the motor,  it actually worked, seedling started we laughed., "I am woman hear me roar" LOL,. Sam, every time you repeated red on red, I did listen, my love

Toured around the town, lots of pubs here, had lunch at a chinese buffet $11, DELICIOUS

Colin's niece Sherree came to visit us, lovely young lady., invited us to stay in front of her house.

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