Monday 25 May 2015

Mundrabilla WA, Water Tanks and Moonara Tank camp Fri 22/5/2015

Made eggs n spinach foe a change LOL, Sharon made extra bacon on her inbuilt bbq, I guts myself love bacon. felt sick, that will teach me.

We made our way to Mundrabilla, there is two huge rain tanks for travellers to fill up, if its rained.

We were wrapped, we had water, Sharon decided to sing on the two way, before I could pickup the mike, a deep voice came over,"What the bloody hell was that" we couldn't stop laughing.

On to the road again, after a few Ks I radio we should pull up for a coffee break, go which a voice said " There's. Macca's up the road"..LOL

We were getting very tired, saw majestic eagles and lots of dead kangaroo's and emus, I think the time difference has caught up with us. I ran over what i thought was a thin branch, turned out to be a metal piece, probably came off a truck that hit a roo. frightened the hell out of me, all is good.

We found a spot to camp it was filthy, can't believe how people are pigs., most prohable backpackers, don't give a toss.

Then Sharon found a great spot, it just went on and on, lots of little camp sites with little fire pits, I stated to Sharon, " this is hugh can't believe how big this is" to that a voice came over the two way "Yes everyone says that love" laughter galore, We were exhausted decided to have a shower and we would meet outside for nibbes later, I layed on my settee just for a bit, when I opened my eyes, it was dark. I went straight to bed slept like a log.

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