Wednesday 8 July 2015

Mary Pool Rest Stop

Opened my door this morning, to a lovely surprise, Pauline had pulled up last night, we gave each other a big hug,

We said our goodbye's, off I went, taking my time taking photo's of the landscape, when Pauline went zooming past, tooting and waving LOL,.,,,

The landscape kept changing, from tropical almost wet looking, to dry arrid grasses, felt like I was in Africa.  Lots of Boab trees., Its hot 32 degs

 Fuelled at Fitzroy Crossing, saw a flock of black parrots

Fitzroy River was dry

 Nimba Cliffs
Mary Pool, Pauline was there cooking her lunch, so I joined her, then off she went, tonight she'll stay just past Halls Creek, I will stay put here, its wonderful, crocs, birds, gorgeous trees

Yes I drove in on that road, a shear drop to the water, its rough crossing and that actually moves....

its hard to imagine that these dry rivers can become raging torrents in minutes  

 This funny little bird made noises like a screaming child

lots of Corrella''s here

 This funny bird was hoppity hopping sideways LOL

love these white painted trees., they really look like someone's painted a white wash over them,



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