Saturday 9 May 2015

Iron Knob Mine SA, Kimba SA, Pildapa Rock SA

I was quite emotional driving through Pt Augusta, seeing the mountain range again, remembering the sad lost girl that didn't know where she was going or what she was doing, but realised that I am a  stronger woman coming back to find what I had missed and having someone to share it with is a bonus.

The Big Galah at Kimba and of course the half way sign.



Drove to Iron Knob Mine, did a tour of the town with a feally funny guy, have forgotten his name, told us he had to do a course to learn how to open the gates to the mine and then close them again, the'res a right way and a wrong way.,

Unfortunately the mine has been technically closed but still operates., the town has been abandoned, only a few locals have stayed on, they are trying to keep it going for the tourists., the tour was free and quite funny.

They have free camping and a dump spot, all for just a donation.  

Drove 10ks on rough road, Athena wouldn't go over 40kph, well worth all the rattles, quite a spectacular spot, we free camped the night here.

Woke up at 6.30am to watch the sun rise, unfortunately it was too cloudy., there was a knock at my door., Sharon announced we were going rock climbing, it was really fun.,

Doesn't this rock look like a lizard?


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