Tuesday 4 August 2015

Sat 1/8 Driving home

Had to laugh, a group of geese walked across the road, had to slow right down to let them cross..... wasn't quick enough to get the camera...
There's a yellow light flickering, is it the light to tell me the headlights are on.....????
Saw lots of yellow wattle trees, weird its not spring yet?
Saw white cockies with yellow crests....  
can you see a head drinking an espresso, the steam is coming out of the cup

31/7 BJR Memorial Park Tempy Vic

Lovely clean free camp, loo , bbq, seats, playground.  nice safe place to spend my last night.  Neighbours even left there porch light on all night.

30/7 Terrible night very high winds

Terrible night wind blew very strong all night, had to wait for day break before I could move. 7.00am moved on.

slept till 9.00am My head kept saying get off this highway head for Crystal Brooke, the red oil lamp came on, met Darren and Diabala, Darren watched me pour in the oil.

Redcliffs Botanical Gardens Pt Augusta 29/7


Beautiful spot to have a cuppa. Went into Pt Augusta had my tyres checked then off again

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Lake Hart 28/7/2015

What a great free camp, so beautiful, a salt lake, met a lovely young backpacker from Italy, landed in Melbourne went over to Hobart, bought himself a Harley, black leathers and now is travelling north, these young people are so courageous, on their own travelling our beautiful country.

Gorgeous wild flowers

Found a heart

Found Angels Wings

Fantastic Sunset

Monday 27 July 2015

Cooper Pedy, Mail Run, Lake Eyre

Monday 27/7 

Decided to go on the mail run, what a way to see the outback. Peter Rowe picked us up in his big 4WD mail van, we went off road, through some amazing sights,  Gibber Plains, red sand hills, 120 million year old in land seabeds, Oodnadatta Track, Old Ghan Railway track,  Mount Barry Station, Allandale Station, Peake Station, Nilpinna Station, Ana Creek Station, William Creek,   The Dingo Fence ((longer than the Great Wall of China), The Algebuckina Bridge, stopped to photograph the beautiful wild flowers.

Guard dogs at Ana Creek Station, worlds biggest cattle station

Lunch gigantic burger Yum!!!

Got a good deal on the flight over Lake Eyre, Lake Eyre is  Australia's lowest point 15.2m below sea level,  then was picked up by The Mail Truck on another Station an hour later. This was on my bucket list, wanted to do it since I was a little girl....Pleased to say I didn't get scared, BUT 15 mins into the flight I was nauseas, then yes I started throwing up, LOL, didn't stop me snapping the camera though.........


Pilot smiled when he was doing his final check and saw Sam Bear buckled in, he asked if he was on the manifest. I said no, I smuggled him on LOL...





Islands with birds on them

arrived at The pink Roadhouse at 8.00pm.  We also passed through the painted sands, but it was dark couldn't see them, was dropped off at the caravan park at 10.00pm

Tuesday 28/7

Pulled up at the supermarket bought some water, there was a dog under Athena, finally coaxed her out, she was very timid, an aboriginal girl yelled out to me to take her with me, I said no, she looked well fed, had a collar on, someone loves her,

took pics of the Dirt Rattling Truck