Sunday 9 November 2014

            Trial Run 13/08/2014 -19/09/2014 

Leaving the outer north western suburbs of Melbourne Victoria, through South Australia, across West Australia, up to the 26th parallel in North West Australia, onto Monkey Mia West Australia and back home again.,    10,698 Ks

I felt I had to get away, what better way to do it, then to take Athena, (my newly acquired  motor home) for a quick trial run across to the other side of Australia.. To me it wasn't the destination,  it was the journey.


First day on the road

Wednesday 13/08/2014

Sonia, Liam and Erin followed Athena and me onto the Calder Hwy, flashing lights, yelling, waving, it was really a wonderful send off for my impending adventure. I loved it, even so I cried for quite a few ks, but I was happy.

My first stop was to be Remark SA, soon realised I wouldn't make it before dark, so I pulled up about 50 ks past Mildura Vic., in a truck stop, Stayed here for the night, was a bit noisy, but I felt safe.

Today I saw a giant teddy, would've been about 20 ft high, was made of haystacks, he was just there sitting in a farmers paddock, put a smile on my face. A metal giraffe, Ned Kelly in his armour and lots of Satellite Dishes, there could of been a hundred of them, just like the ones in Central Australia, used for tracking outer space.

Sonia and Liam rang to make sure I was OK, Sonia told me she missed me already and that she was proud of me, I welled up with tears.

 First  sunrise

Thursday 11/08/2014

Woke up early, decided to go outside, to turn the gas on, this beautiful sunrise greeted me., it was freezing, reached only 3 deg., last night slept with a beanie, winter pj's and a thick blanket over my doona. Couldn't remember how to put the hot water on, so had a quick cold wash. Had beautiful hot cup of coffee, eggs n spinach.

They took my mandarins at Renmark SA, quarantine station, bit of a moment here, they were off our tree that Sam planted.

I'm driving too long need to relax longer, stopped at Morgan roadhouse, bought a huge hamburger with the lot, it had 6 pieces of bacon in it.

Thursday cont...
Found an angel at The Spalding Pub SA, Jeff, he let me free park in his backyard, had a really long sleep, woke up just on time for happy hour, while I had a lemon squash I was able to charge my tablet. A fellow traveller told me to buy an inverter so I can charge anytime., Time for dinner, huge chicken schnitzel and orange juice, sat by the cosy fire, Jeff boasts the largest barbed wire collection in Australia,.

Sonia and Liam rang.

Friday 15/08/2014

Didn't like Port Augusta SA, too busy, headed straight for Iron Knob Mine, free camped here the night., loved it. The lady in the info centre told me that this mine is called the heart mine, they dig up lots of hearts. Filled with water and used my first dump spot, easy peasy, closer to dark, a caravan pulled up and a couple of trucks. Cleaned out my bag, no T.V. reception, can't get the DVD to work, lucky I brought Sam's radio.

Sonia and Liam rang.

Saturday 16/08/2014

Woke up this morning and there were 2 cars parked near me.

After making a donation I headed off for Ceduna SA, made a cuppa, made a sandwich, went for a walk shed a few tears. Sam always wanted to come here.

Drove onto Penong, didn't like it there, after resting I headed for Yalata, arrived at 5.30pm, wasn't sure where to park, met a young couple told me the owners of the Old Yalata Roadhouse would let me stay there, so I drove in, was a bit apprehensive, it was old and run down, as soon as I drove up to the camp area a guy yelled out "you can park anywhere, the owner will let you stay here", as I parked this lovely lady came up to me told me her daughter is the new land owner and to park wherever I wanted. I had free power, water, there was toilets and showers there too.

Was invited to sit next to my first camp fire. Chatted with a lovely couple from Ferntree Gully, unfortunately can't remember their names, they had two beautiful dogs with them.

Something went wrong in the garage section of my MH, I opened up the valve of the spare tank and I lost most of my water.,

Sonia and Liam rang


Sunday 17th August 2014

Very emotional today, had a hot shower, made smoked salmon, eggs n spinach and had brekkie outside on my small table. 

After breakfast I put $20 in an envelope with a note thanking the caretaker of her generosity  and gave it to Leone Nissen's mother to give to her. As I was topping up my water tanks, Leone came up to me handed the money back, said she likes helping people, she wants to fix the place up and have aboriginal artefact's on display, I thanked her again she gave me a big hug, I would love to help her in some way.

Today I saw a Metal Pink Pig on top of a letter box.😁

Headed for Head of Bight

As I was driving noticed a few Motor homes off the road towards the water, I decided to go see why they were there, wow it was hot, went along the walk way, beautiful yellow flowers were everywhere. The cliffs so high it was breathtaking, the ocean so blue, glad I took that side road.




At The Head of Bight had to pay a fee to enter the facility, I was surprised it was very modern, walked down to the board walk, it was quite a hike, WOW, the whales were beautiful, there were 6 of them, and 2 calves. I could hear them singing.

On the way out I asked the guy behind the counter if  there was anywhere that I could top up my water tank, he said go for it, that's what those rain tanks were for.

 Pulled up at the gates of  White Rock aboriginal camp and had lunch.


Sunday cont...,
After lunch off to the Nullarbor, parked outside the Nullarbor Road House just past the Caravan Park, as I was setting up for dinner, I saw a young girl trying to pitch her tent near me, I thought how weird, no way she would be able  to put it up its too windy, so I went outside to talk to her. Rita Chan from Hong Kong arrived in Perth 2 months ago and is on her way to Sydney she has been cycling all this way, I couldn't believe how brave she was,.People were telling me how brave I was to do this on my own, what do they think of Rita, boy she has guts.

A boat pulled up next to me, so of course I had to ask the driver where he was taking her, its costing the owners $15,ooo.oo to cart her to Port Lincoln S.A.
Tonight I cooked Chicken Schnitzel with vegies and for desert tinned peaches.
Watched Inspector Rex on D.V.D, went to bed with the vent up admired the beautiful sky lit up with diamonds, the sky is so clear. There's about 30 Road Trains here, they've closed me in, I ain't going no where.
Sonia and Liam rang, had plenty of well wishes on FB and GN's





Monday 18/08/2014

I'm a bit insecure, I'm tired so had to pull up at a way side stop, its very isolated, wish  a Road Train would pull up, did a lot today. Great Australian Bite, Eucla. At Border Village quarantine lady there told me her husband died 5 years ago, it doesn't get better, she said and wished me good luck.

Had a giant hamburger for Sam, yes I ate it all.. Washed and dried my clothes at the Nullarbor Road House. Charged my tablet , dongle and camera, while I was having breakfast with Rita in the café.
Drove to Mandrabilla nr Madra..
Leanne TXT, I TXT Sonia, Bernie TXT.

Royal Flying Doctors, land their planes on the highway.

If anyones wondering what do I do to break up the monotony of the long straight road, i pull up behind a Caravan or Motorhome, I feel a kindred spirit, when I've had enough, I pass them and say " eat my dust"  LOL.

Tuesday 19/08/2014

Woke up to a beautiful sunrise, left early found the look out for the ocean that Hats (Gn"s) mentioned, the telegraph station, the cross for travellers and the air strips. Saw two big camels in the bush, saw  majestic brown eagles.

Poured diesel 3 times, ate egg n bacon  sandwich at Caiguna.
 Drove across "Longest Stretch of Hwy in Australia. 146.6km" found a dump spot and topped up diesel at Norseman, went to IGA, bought small tub of Mango Yogurt, 1 Mango must of been made of gold cause it cost me $6.00, 2 apples, Cuppa Soup, Garlic Granules and Dry Oregano, as I walked outside it started to pelt down with rain, found the Information Centre and asked where it would be safe for me to stay the night, I didn't want to get bogged, the lady there told me to go out of Norseman about 20 ks, there was a dam there. OMG it was like a river there, it worried me so I kept driving, drove all the way to  Esperance, I was exhausted it took 10 hours, saw another Motor home it was a Mercedes like mine, I pulled up in front of it and there it was a sign "No  Camping", too tired to move, I didn't put any lights on, I used the torch, put lots of pics on FB and GN's.
Sonia and Liam rang, he sounds so cute over the phone., Leanne TXT, Alana TXT, Crystal msg.



Wednesday 20/08/2014

Drove  to the esplanade and showered and brekkie on the foreshore, it was nice, eggs, spinach and smoked salmon again. found the Pink Lake, the tide was out and it wasn't pink. topped up with diesel at Esperance and Raventhorpe,I bought pizza here too, it was yum!!!!  saw another eagle. I'm finding, now that I've come this far its taken its toll, I'm exhausted, had to pull up a Jerramugupa, 179ks this side of Albany,  made a cuppa soup, cheese n crackers. had a splitting headache, couldn't find the panadol went into Jerramungupa Roadhouse it cost me $7.00 for a small packet.


Pink Lake



There's a weird sound like a woman praying ????? but I think its a far radio? or could even be the wind.
Saw more 3 wagon Road Trains today, they all seem to be up this way. the landscape is beautiful, exactly like the paintings I've seen.My dongle has discharged, I forgot I have a cigarette charger for it. oh well. .I rang Sonia and Liam, TXT Alana & Damian

Thursday 21/08/2014

Woke up at 6.30am, went to Roadhouse for egg n bacon sandwich and coffee and headed to Albany.

Stopped at Woolworths, went for a walk bought some groceries. Noticed my back tyre was down, lucky I noticed a Motor home like mine parked nearby, no one was inside so I put a note on their windscreen, if they could please help. He came up to me with his gauge to check the tyre, he said yes its down, 30 psi LOL, go to a tyre service that they would help me.

I found the Goodyear Tyre service not too far from where i was, they had trouble finding the lever to undo the bolts on the tyre, told me to go to the Caravan place about 10 mins away. He  found it straight away, I was very emotional by this time and tears started streaming down my face, I explained my situation, he told me not to worry, that he had recently lost his wife also, he gave me a hug and sent me back to the tyre place,.they checked all my tyres and didn't charge me.. While I was waiting, a customer Cheryl introduced herself to me, told me I was very brave to take this journey on my own, she gave me a hug.and wished me good luck.

I think I killed a beautiful  green and blue parrot it was flying with its mate, but wasn't fast enough to get out of my way. It saddened me.  Saw more eagles.

Arrived at Central Caravan Park in Ascot  late, it was closed, so I had to set up in the dark, Damian and Alana came to see me. it was nice to have them close.

Friday 22/08//2014

Perth Caravan Park




I did 4 loads of washing my little machine is great, just have to remember not to put too much soap powder, its hard to get it out, hahaha, it was getting late and clothes weren't drying so  thought I'd go to camp Laundromat to use the dryers, had no chance on hell, only 2 dryers for about 100 vans., decided to hang the clothes all around in the van, in the shower, towel rack, skylight lucky Damian was coming around tonight, no room left hahahaha.

The TV fell off the wall bracket arm. just got my little tool box out and I FIXED IT , yep!!!  The plastic finish around one of the bull bar lights has come off, so I took out the liquid nails and glued it back. got some on my finger can't get it off, but I don't care.   Yeh !!!! (thankyou Sam)
Vinnie emailed, Rosa rang, Crystal msg, and my angel Sonia rang me. I told her of all the dead kangaroo's that I had come across so far. Today was a good day.

Saturday 23/08/2014
Had a visit from two angels from the Grey Nomad's Vic and  Carol, they brought cake and coffee, very nice people. I have never met them before, but the Grey Nomads are keeping an eye on me.



Damian and Alana took me out for lunch, we went to Sorrento,  north of the Swan River, it was beautiful, we ate seafood basket and wine then walked through the promenade.

I tend to sleep with all the vents open but even so, the fumes from the generator in the garage section at the back a really annoying me know.
I txt Bernie, Joe P  and msg  Dougwe (GN's), if I should take the generator out of the foam box and if these fumes were dangerous? I rang Damian he didn't know anything about generators but said he would come over and check it out.

 Dougwe ( whom I have never met) was the first to get back to me, told me to get it out into the open yes, the fumes are dangerous. I panicked it was dark outside, the young lady in the Motorhome next to me, saw and asked if I was Ok, I told her my story, she quickly jumped out of her van and picked up the generator and put it down out side, I thanked her she said anytime. (This thing was a 4kva, weighed 30kilo's., she had no problem at all.) another angel sent to me.

When Damian arrived I told him to take the thing I didn't want it.

 Sunday 24/08/2014

Joe and Leanne rang 6.30 in the morning, they were worried about me and the fumes. LOL, they forgot about the time difference, I said it was ok, I had to wake up to answer the phone anyway.
Bernie txt.

Was invited to join the campers at the back, it was beautiful in the sun.,

Washed my slippers and walking shoes, then went for a walk, ended up at the BP servo, bought a pair of thongs (can't believe I didn't pack thongs) they cost me $34.00, that will teach me not to forget....

Alana took me to a baby shower, met Netty, Corrie, Naomi  Brook, Storm, Tahlia and many more, they told me I was doing a great thing and that they admire me for doing it on my own (I don't understand this)
A bit emotional (Tears)
Found Rita Chan on FB, she is in Adelaide at the moment.

Liam rang and asked if the Kangaroo's are ok?. LOL

Monday 25/08/2014

Went to Perth City with Judy, Jan and Sue., we hopped on a bus to the depot and then free bus to the city. Couldn't believe how big the bus depot was.

These angels took me under their wings and supported me through an emotional day. I bought a yellow flower and a heart for Sam to join the suitcase trinket for my Pandora bracelet, that  Sonia gave me for my journey.

We went to The London Arcade for lunch, it was really wonderful.,

When we went back to the caravan park, I ended up having my dinner with the caravaner's, really lovely people.

Damian and Alana came and said goodbye.

      Perth Bus Terminal  

Tuesday 26/08/2014

Lots of tears this morning, Jan, Judy and Sue gave me hugs and wished me well as they waved me goodbye. Sue's husband saluted me as I drove past.

I don't know where to go now., do I go home or keep going. Lucky I received a message from GN's, will visit with them and then decide.

I was invited to call in to Gabbadah and have morning tea with Sue and Phil (suphil GN's)who I had never met before. Sue made scones and her homemade mulberry jam, they were the most delicious I have ever tasted. Beautiful people.

Today I've seen the Indian ocean. Beautiful turquoise blue, huge white meringue sand dunes that towered over me., kilometres of yellow flowers and acres of black boy trees., stunning. Saw  beautiful wildflowers. Seems to have been a bush fire, drove for approx 200ks of burnt trees, very eerie.

Have pulled up 60ks before Geralton,there's a cow in the paddock next to me, I've  named her Bessie, had fish fingers and salad for dinner, didn't have lunch today. Am tired, starting to doubt myself, what the fuck am I doing, I'm on my own in the middle of no where and I miss Sam terribly. Decided to go to Kalbarri, why? because I used to live in Kalbarri Crt in Taylors Lakes, so why not? and after that , I'm going to Monkey Mia.
Am watching Inspector Rex on DVD
Lily rang. Sonia rang.


Wednesday 27/08/2014

Woke up early  6.00am, to a Road Train leaving, made coffee, took photo of Bessy the cow, she stayed with me all night. 

Couldn't find a dump spot,, its very remote out this way, finally had to pull over and emptied it in a truck spot, because I use no name nappy soaker in my toilet, only fluid came out, I felt bad but I had no choice. 


Kalbarri is beautiful, decided to  stay at Anchorage Caravan Park so I could charge up my tablet etc..., Sam you would've loved it, 

Went for a couple of walks along the waters edge, walked to IGA lady there comes from Bulla Vic., forgot to buy, no name nappy soaker to put into the toilet again. Had a beautiful hot shower when i arrived here, used their showers and i did a load of washing with my little  machine, forgot to put less soap again.

Pelicans at sunset Kalbarri


Guy next to me tried to help with the water hose, his attachment for the continuous flow didn't fit, at least now I know what to buy..he is from Albany, told me to go to Caravan sales and service.Gosh people on the road a friendly.

 I'm watching TV, had a pie and salad for lunch/dinner, not eating 3 meals, had grapes and apple and for a change a glass of milk. Funny what cravings you get on the road.

I rang Lily, Sonia rang 

Thursday 28/08/2014
Pulled out of Caravan park with people waving and had people running after me, ghee I thought how friendly are these campers, then realised I had  my vents open, and TV Arial up,  LOL, felt like a dill.                                    
Parked across the way on the foreshore, tried to take a selfie but I couldn't manage it holding my grief bear, got so emotional, tears again started streaming down my face,.(when the fuck is this going to stop, it hits me out of the blue, this Tsunami, bashes me about and then gently releases me to float for the next few days)

Colleen and Bundy were walking along near me, asked if I was alright, told her no, she gave me a hug and took my photo, lovely lady and gorgeous dog. Thankyou sweet angel.

Drove on to the Stromalites, walked on the pristine white sands to get there, it was hot. 

Where is this confidence coming from, would never ever have gotten out of the car before if i was on my own.


Stopped at Billabong Road House, had fish n chips for brekkie, with a salad of course, heh heh heh,
bought souvenirs, had my pic take for there wall, was emotional when I saw it, the Kangaroo has his thumbs up, Sam gave me the thumbs up and kissed me goodbye the day before he passed. Cried all the way to Monkey Mia.

 Thursday cont...,

There was an emu there to greet me, put a smile on my face, I booked into the Dolphin Resort $20.for an unpowered site,  I wouldn't call it a site, more like a parking spot, but hey they threw in dinner, was very pleased I must say.  Jumped in the refreshing pool actually it was cold, then hopped into the spa, it was bore water, I could feel my skin tingling, it felt wonderful. 

Met a lovely young lady from Ballarat Vic, Hayley, a nurse, she was very sympathetic to me..

As I sat waiting for the sun to set, I ate my free dinner, my choice of Caesar Salad with Smoked Salmon.very nice indeed. Tomorrow the DOLPHINS

 Friday 29/08/2014

Woke up early, 6.30 am, had coffee, showered, and walked to the dolphin showing area, the first viewing was at 7.30 am.

OMG!!!! what an invigorating experience, we stood in the water ankle deep, while waiting for the dolphins to show we listened to the ranger do her spill, one of the dolphins name is "Samu", he has scars on his dorsal fin.(just like Sam he always had a scar somewhere). Sonia rang in the middle of it, told her I'd ring back I was busy. LOL

A pod of 15 come in,  including 2 calves, a dolphin swam across in front of me, about a metre away, another came straight for me put her head up and looked at me and then turned and swam away. They are big, the babies were light grey while the older ones were dark grey. Standing in the water was fun. 

I met Pam,  from Newcastle NSW, she was on a bus tour, gave me a hug,

Don't know what happened but felt so relaxed after the dolphins. Went for a walk along the gorgeous beach, there was no sand it was shells, took a photo beautiful.

After a cuppa and breakie decided to get back on the road, the German family next to me helped with the awning and wished me well.

Stopped at Shell Beach, there was no one there, it was hot and beautiful, can't believe I'm actually walking on this beautiful soft beach and its so isolated. Past the Meridian Line Post, WOW I'm in North West  Australia, cant't believe it.,  took a photo of the Electrified fence. Ended up at Denham the west most town in Australia, Yah Yah Yah!!!!! can't believe I'm here,!!! not bad for someone who doesn't know where she's going.  Topped up with diesel and bought jumper leads and a phone charger, mine decided to break. 

Now I have a dilemma, what do I do now?????, my head is telling me to go to Pt Hedland, but my heart is saying go home. I put it to a vote on FB,  Sonia asked "why come back? am I missing the heater at home?", LOL, she was loving the posts and to keep going.  Natalie and Simon posted that they were proud of me and to keep going, (tears)., Barbie, Francesco, Susan and Crystal all encouraged me to keep going , , thank-you guys.

After conferring with all on board, I decided, that I wanted to be home for Sam's, 1st Anniversary of his passing, which would be on the 4th October for that,,  I wanted to go home I needed to be home,  it will take me 2 weeks to get there..

Drove back to Billabong Road House, pulled in opposite 3 Road Trains, will stay here for the night, am tired, had a scotch fillet burger, strawberry Big M and cherry ripe.,  my card was declined, lucky I brought some cash with me.LOL.
Fell asleep with my feet in the sun, I burnt the soles ouch.... 






Saturday 30/08/2014

6 Road Trains  pulled in last night.

I had bacon and eggs at the Billabong Roadhouse this morning, then stopped near a creek for coffee and orange and poppy seed cake., that I found in my freezer. 

I have driven back to  Kalbarri, I like it here. had a swim in the sea water pool,  then a long hot shower, it was soooo nice, I feel I have a connection here. I will come back one day and stay longer. 
I walked to IGA,

Today was a good day I saw a.Red tailed black cockatoo's,

Tuna and salad for lunch,  Pizza for dinner and a cuppa tea.. Just sitting outside waiting for the sun to set.

I actually relaxed for the first time, its nice  

I want to find the Talia Caves and Sand Dunes in S A.

I emailed Colleen and Wombat.

Sunday 30/08/2014

Left the Caravan park and went to top up diesel at the IGA, nearly wiped off the side of Athena, too tight the pillars were to close, but I managed to work my way out with the power steering.

I saw that Pyramid again, but there was no where to stop, saw a shanty town in the bush, tall white sand dunes.

Stopped at Jurien bay Boat Harbour, went for a walk to stretch my legs, some woman, told me I can't camp here, I told her I'm not camping, I've just pulled up, I'm tired.  Its huge here, just after I pulled in 2
Winnebago's pulled in, they said they were going to Kalgoorlie if I wanted to tag along. Another couple pulled in about an hour ago.  Its lovely and quite, the water is like a mirror, sun is just starting to set.

There's very expensive huge houses across the bay.

Looks like I'm heading for Kalgoorlie in the morning. heheheheh, its only approx 500ks from here.

Sonia rang,

Monday 1/09/2014

Had a very sleepless night, got up early 6.30 am, had coffee and fruit toast decided to head off on my own.

I saw white cocky s, black ones with red tail feathers, eagles, parrots green and blue, large and small, there was road kill on the road near Emu Windmills, couldn't work out what it was, it was big like a pony, had weird head like a Tapir?. I later found out it was an old Boar.






A kangaroo was eating the flowers at the Pinnacles, I walked on the desert,  until I realised I was on my own, it was hot and there could be snakes, I hight tailed it out of there, made coffee in Athena, then took photo of Sam Bear on the sign "Now is the time to discover".

Stopped at Moora, topped up with diesel, went to IGA, and dump point.

Had lunch and drove to New Noscia, monks own the town, schools, convents, cemetery, churches, orphanages, all abandoned, except for the monestry and hotel.








Decided to pay $20 for a powered site at the Road House, so I could do  my washing, had to get the water from the showers. Walked into the showers, wondered why the tap was so high? and there was a ledge with a drain, then realised i had walked into the mens toilets, ran out ASAP. LOL

Had a chat with the chap in the caravan next to me, nice bloke.

Today shed a few tears, tonight I'm watching Inspector Rex,.
I fried steaks, with garlic oregano and broccoli. found out the smoke alarm works. frighted the crap out of me.!!!!

 I lost my black dangly earing,

Liam rang he dressed himself today. LOL, Erin ate lasagne. LOL

Tuesday 02/09/2014


I was able to sleep a lot longer, woke up at 7.30 am,, made coffee, eggs n spinach in microwave. Sonia Liam and Erin rang early 
Crystal  put the Leader Newspaper Article on facebook, it made me cry.

Navman kept telling me to turn "L" at Tryaning, it made me go in circles, had to ask a locale, he said to keep going straight, Navman meant via left derrrrrrr,. 

Saw gorgeous Salmon gums, poured diesel at Dunowin, there's a big Iron dog.

Saw lots of beautiful flowers all the bushes were in bloom, was getting a bit worried, I was on a secondary road for 2 hours, no other cars around. a.guy putting up signs for stock crossing waved at me , I thought he wanted me to stop, scare the bejesus, he then said its OK, keep going. 

Pulled up at Meriden in the Railway car park, will stay here, ate Salmon Avocado dip with Aldi carackers, salad and Mortadella. Will go to bed early. I pray my angels will keep me safe tonight.

Sonia rang, Erin ate meatballs. Colleen and Rosa emailed.

Wednesday 03/09/2014

OMG, trains with 2 engines and 100 wagons some carrying iron ore, some containers, going till 6.30 am, tired, not much sleep last night, made coffee and headed out for 1 hour then pulled off made eggs, spinach and coffee, saw lots of beautiful flowers, blues, purples, yellow, pinks, whites, orange,.

Found the black stump.

found a dump spot too.

Saw the original rabbit fence, outside Meriden, followed the Golden pipe line for hours,. 



Tears streamed down my face when I saw all the yellow flowers into Yellowdine. (Sam loved yellow flowers)..


The key barrels on the garage door section keep falling out.
The gear stick has jumped into 1st gear, its happened twice.

Made it to Kalgoorlie,went for a walk around the park here, caught a guy checking out my Motorhome. I said hi to him, he said he noticed the Victorian number plates, he  said i was a long way from home and asked me a few questions about it, re: fuel consumption etc..., he wanted to know if i had a shower in it, I told him, yes I have an ensuite.

Watching TV waiting for dark. i'm at the Kalgoorlie Centennial Park its a free camp, ate salad with tuna and cheese and a piece of orange cake and had a cup of milk.
My back is getting worse, back on the panadol. 

Thursday 04/09/2014

Woke up about 7.00am, showered and coffee, toast. Chap in the Mercedes Camper, next to me said to warm up the motor before I take off, we said goodbye,  he wished me luck told me to go check out the Super Pit, 

Went to servo for diesel,  Woolworths for groceries, checked out the information centre, treated my self to a hair cut, then washed Athena. I checked that the wash bay was high enough, but forgot to check out the exit.,after washing Athena, she looked so cute with pink suds all over her. I couldn't get her out, there was another wash bay in front of me and it had a 4WD in it, so I went backwards and forwards, lucky for power steering, I squeezed to the side of the other wash bay, and up a laneway, hoping it would get me out, and low and behold I was back on the main street. LOL...,

Found a dump point it also had a tap for water so I topped up. (lucky I was told to buy the tap key, it really came in handy)

road to open pit very steep

 fellow traveller saw me struggle to do a selfie with Sam Bear, insisted on taking my photo so he took the camera out of my hand and took the photo, thanks stranger. he told me he loved the fact I had a bear with me. LOL

OMG !!!! it took my breath away, not of its beauty but its enormity, the big Caterpillar Trucks looked like ants, I couldn't see the bottom. 

Back on the road again, on the Coolgardie Esperance hwy, 60 ks from Norseman, Athena broke down, I had stopped for a break, made a cuppa, she wouldn't start, as I popped the hood, to checked that the battery cables were all attached, a Campervan stopped, the guy said "As soon as I saw your hood up I knew that wasn't good" his wife asked If I was ok, he checked the battery with his meter gauge, there was plenty of charge in it, looks like its something more serious 

I rang the R.A.C.V, lady said someone should be out within a couple of hours, my good Samaritans wanted to stay with me, I told them I will be ok, I have food, water and shelter, for them to go on and enjoy there holiday, they wished me good luck and left. 

Within 20 mins another Campervan pulled up asked if I was ok, I told him I was waiting for the mechanic to come, he decided to test the battery also. asked if I wanted him to stay with me till he came, I said no thankyou I'll be ok, he wished me good luck and left. 

Within half an hour Graeme from Wilson's Diesel pulled up. He couldn't find what was wrong with Athena,he tried for a couple of hours, tried last he said he thought it was the computer.  I will have to be towed to Norseman, unfortunately the truck was in Perth won't be back till after midnight.

I had to camp the night where I was, felt a bit frightened, only because should something happen I couldn't drive off. but I was ok. ( I did have my trusty weapon just in case).I calmed down when a Road Train pulled in.and then a car towing a boat. I felt safe. 

Sonia rang, I txt Damian,  I txt Frank, he and Marg rang me told me to ring during the night if I get scared.

Friday 05/09/2014

Travis came picked us up,we're here in Noresman. Graeme worked on different things all day, he rang Mercedes, they thought it was the relay? `he didn't think so.  When he told me he will get Athena started, but I'll have to drive straight to Perth no turning the engine off, it frightened me, i rang R.AC.V, they said they can have it towed to Perth ( I was entitled to a re location), but if they don't fix her there, i am stuck.  They asked if they could book me into a Motel or get a taxi for me.I told them I'm fully self contained and I wanted to stay with Athena.

I decided to have her towed to Melbourne. Sonia said I should tow her to RV World where I bought her. Maybe I should, tomorrow I will ring RV World. ( I don't have a suit case)

R.A.C.V. are shopping around for quotes to have me towed. I'm shattered. Oh, what have I done???? just one more crappy thing!!!!!.

I rang Damian, he didn't know where I was, it was too far for him to come. Alana rang me back, she found that there was an Airport at Kalgoorlie with connection to Perth and onto Melbourne.

Went through all my paper work, trying to find something that had gone wrong with the previous owner,.

Plenty of well wishes from FB and GN's.
Leanne, Crystal, Assunta, Denise and Louise all txt.
vic41, KFT, Dunmowin, cooee, Jayco Gypsy, Sulfil, Poppy sore eye, Johanna, Blue, shekon, kesa32, Jonathan,

Saturday 06/09/2014

Had a very stressful and sleepless night, people walking near by talking loud, I didn't feel as secure as I did in the middle of nowhere.   I could hear the freight train, woke up early, 5.45 am, made coffee had a shower and ate apple pie. I thought out loud, now what would Sam do?????

I Rang Tab at RV World, he said not to stress, its a known problem, he rang Diesel Repairs in Bentley,  Perth, they said they can fix it.

R.A.C.V. rang they would only pay $1000.00 for the cartage, lowest quote, I would have to wait 2 weeks before they could do the job,  RACV had to pay for my accommodation till 24/09/2014, plus my plane fair, approx $2000.00,

I convinced RACV, to let Travis do the job he will pick us up Monday 5.00 am, so I was stuck in Norseman.turned it into a positive, did a load of washing, a lady that was getting her 4wd repaired came to see my washing machine, I cleaned Athena, and went for a walk around the town.Had a nap charged my tablet and phone and made a BIG bowl of pasta, made sure to add the salad just like Jason taught me, aahhhh food for the soul. Its very hot and windy, don't like the wind.I feel uncomfortable, its raining and very windy.


Norseman is named after the people from Norse in Scotland, they also named a horse after it. There's also a mine here.

lots of well wishes hope i don't miss anyone, thankyou for your support and advice.
FB, Sonia , Leanne and Joe and Frank rang.

Blue, shekon, kesa32, Jonathan, KFT, jules47,Glenelg, Yuglamron, MikeC, Cloak, deverall1 1, oldbobsbus, vic41, dunmowin, GaryKelly, wombat, banjo, the rocket, TopCat, SnowT, jon641, Golddetectornomad, sufil, Gerty Dancer, sandsmere, Nelly, Dougwe, Friar Park, Sheba.

Sunday 07/09/2014

Washed ensuite, made the bed, swept floor, went for a walk to the all iconic IGA, bought a clicker thing for the gas stove, just in case the power goes out. took photo's of the town, Norseman's not very big, dogs roam the streets, little ole lady asked me what I was looking for, I've been here 2 nights am bored not much to do, had a pie for lunch and finished off the mango pieces in juice.  Had a lye down, have radio on, Sonia txt, Frank rang, i rang Corrie told her I'll take her up on her offer, she said she'l pick me up at Bentley. Sulfil rang, a few of them will be in Perth tomorrow, they'll come n see me.  People are so nice, makes me feel good.  I emailed Diesel motors at Bentley asking them to advise the service dept. I'm coming from Norseman. 

Travis went into workshop, probably to check the emails. 3.00pm  power went out, I found the yellow and Orange torches, lucky I brought them with me. a bit frightened, but i'm ok, put all the frozen vegies in a plastic bag., won't open the freezer. OMG angels look over me.

Travis came back to check emails, again about 5.30pm, (thankyou Sam) I asked him if I could take him up on that offer of power.  Then Graeme came he found a Truck Wheel and Bolts, he said he was disappointed he failed, I felt safe here, thanked him and told him that as I come through Norseman I will plant my foot down and toot my way through as I yell out to him.  he laughed. Graeme told me that animal I saw dead on the road was an old wild boar.  Yes i can see that now.

Thankyou my angels, you have watched over me, I am grateful.

Its raining,it sounds wonderful on the roof of Athena.  I'm feeling positive again.

Bernie txt I txt Sonia and Frank 
Listening to radio till dark.

Monday 08/09/2014

Very sleepless night, got up 4.30 am it rained all night, had a hot coffee and a piece of orange cake.  Travis was here at 5.00am, took him half hour to hook up Athena and we left, it was still dark, there was a fallen tree across the road, Travis pulled it off with the straps.

It was a long drive, we stopped 4 times for food, toilet breaks. 

Wind was bad and it rained the majority of the way.  Arrived at Diesel Motors Bently at 2.30 pm, they were really big Mercedes place, 
Chris Clohessy gave me his Mum's Caravan Park card, in Exmouth, his getting married on the 04/10/2014  (Sam's anniversary)

I said goodbye to Travis, gave me a big hug and wished me goodluck.

Corrie picked me up, had a beautiful hot shower, pasta salad and chicken.  Met Vince, what lovely people. Sue rang, Vic rang meeting them at 9.30 am for coffee, at Stirling Shopping Centre.

Sonia posted a very touching message on FB" 
" Good luck today hitch'n a ride to Perth. remember someone else is in the car with you so you can't just burp when you want or burst into tears.  You'll frighten the poor chap driving hahaha. Say please and thank you and no you can't have Abba at full blast even though it appears Athena really is queen of the desert today, Good luck. Love you xox"

Sonia rang, 

I am exhausted, went to bed 8.00 pm.

Very windy day, a tree fell across the road, Travis pulled it off the road
Lost the cap off the hot water service.

I found a Pyramind

Tuesday 09/09/2014

GN's meeting Stirling Perth

Kev41 picked me up, I met, Billeeeeeee, Carol, Jules47, Sufil, Oldboar,  MSG, Billeeeeeee told me " youv'e got balls lady,  to do what you have done". LOL.

Kev41 drove me to pick up Athena, it cost me $214.00 it was the seal on the relay wall.. I followed Vic41 back to Corrie's home, thankyou Vic you are one of my angels. 

Corrie cooked  TBone, Pasta with garlic and olive oil, bacon silver beet and chilies and mushrooms it was really YUMO!!!

txt Damian, Sonia rang, txt Frank. 

Wednesday 10/09/2014

Corrie took me to her beautiful home in Manthura, we went shopping, had lunch and did a bit of sightseeing, we laughed so much. What a lovely lady, thank you Corrie you are one of my Angels.



 Swann River

Wednesday 11/09/2014

Corrie drove me through Freemantle, the Marina here is huge. We went back through Perth, the Swann river is really wide and clean, can't get over how this city is so clean too.

Vince came home and asked why was I still here??? he was joking. LOL, then he went out and  fixed the key barrels on my garage section. Thank you Vince your a gentleman. Corrie cooked Yerling Beef American steaks, with peppers, potatoes beans, chillies, garlic in olive oil. OMG she is a wonderful cook..

I can't thank you enough Corrie and Vince, you came to me in my hour of need, you took me under your wings, I am truly grateful.

Friday 12/09/2014

Corrie and me

Netty and me

Woke up 6.30am, packed Athena,had coffee and toast, filled the water tanks, was getting nervous decided to have another coffee. Corrie could sense that I was itching to go, I took a selfie of both of us, gave her a big hug and thanked her again.OMG I don't believe it, I forgot to say goodbye to Vince. (Corrie said she would say it for me and that I decided to stay another 6 weeks. LOL)

I was very emotional in Athena, Corrie told me to put on ABBA, so Abba blaring out "Dancing Queen", I left.

It was great being back on The Great Eastern Hwy, poured diesel, stopped for photos at Ettamunga Pub in Meckering, Stopped for lunch at Merinda. Met a lovely young German girl, a solo traveller in a small campervan, she's landed in Perth and on her way to meet up with friends in Cairn's. The guy from a Road Train asked me if we could do a swap, he reckons my rig was more comfortable then his. He was from Shepparton Vic. 
Found a dump spot. at Southern Cross, then finally pulled in at Yellowdine for the night, there were 2 RoadTrains already here. No T.V., am listening to the footy on Sam's radio, Geelong and North Melbourne are playing. Tuna and salad for tea and peaches in juice for dessert.  It was so hot when I pulled up had to open all the windows and had a snooze. Today was a good day.

The Stars are beautiful tonight, diamonds twinkling,  the Sky is sooooo black.

Liam rang he asked if I saw any animals today? I told him I'm coming home and to look out for me. Erin is crawling more 


Saturday 13/09/2014

I counted 5 trucks pulling in last night, didn't sleep too good, had to take 2 lots of anxiety capsules. Woke around 6.30 am, made coffee and breckie and poured diesel. Stopped at Coolgardie to look for the hot water service cap. Topped up again at Norseman, had 2 dim sims, and started beeping my horn till I arrived at Graeme's workshop, He and Travis seemed happy to see me, Graeme said he wandered what had happened to me.  I asked Travis if he had noticed my hot water service cap anywhere, he hadn't. I said my goodbye's.

 Topped up at Belladonia, had a latte and steak and onion pie.

Had 2 road trains nearly wipe me out, they were going too fast and the 3rd wagon was all over the place.

Found the Wiki Camps free camp 5 ks out, its good had lettuce n cheese sandwich, put Bob Marley CD. no TV, had a beautiful hot shower did a load of washing.hung it up in the shower.

Am exhausted will go to bed as soon as it gets dark.

Sonia rang, Liam asked if i saw any dead kangaroo's? .

Sunday 14/09/2014

Idiot parked close to me and put his generaton on at 5.30 am, turned out good, made good travelling made it to Mundrabilla by 12.00pm. Fried up my rissoles, steak and sausages with a salad.

Border village

Passed through Eucla no worries, I didn't have any fruit or veg to declare, as it was no one was at the quarantine station. Getting used to the two way radio am using it more, some of the Caravans keep to the middle of the road., can't see in front of them. I asked  Louise and Denis, to give me a chance to pass, Denis did i wished them happy travels., Finally reached the Nullabor Road House. There was already a Road Train with a huge tractor on, it was accompanied by 2 pilot vans. No doubt there will be more pulling in during the night. Am watching Inspector Rex and munching on Cheese n Crackers and apple then straight to bed.

Monday 15/09/2014

Parked Athena close to the shower block and had a glorious hot shower for $1.00,

Had to pull over for this Road Train, it had two trucks pulling, the Cops were escorting it, they were in the middle of the road.



Had the courage to pass my first road train today, It was Yellow and had 3 wagons behind I think he was carrying Ore.  " Road Train 383 in front of me, I wish to pass you, please advise when it is safe to do so." As I passed he wished me a good day, as I passed I thanked him and said " You too mate".  Went on to pass 2 more caravans.

Almost witnessed a near fatal, Idiot in a Black Van, decided he wanted to pass that Road Train that had the huge tractor loaded,. he passed me fast, then all of a sudden I could see dust flying up ahead, and blaring on the radio was " Well done, you f@#king Idiot, " the black van passed and decided to turn into the roadhouse just in front. ?????

Pulled up in Venus Bay, woke up to footsteps walking around Athena and a torch shining all over her. Then the footsteps went away, they came back, with a woman talking to someone on her mobile phone. I thought if I keep very still she would go away. OH no!!!, she kept saying into her phone, "looks like no ones in there, I don't know why they are parked here, there's a no camping sign right in front of the Van."  To this I got up, shone my torch in her face and asked what did she think she was doing????. She asked me if i knew i was in a no camping zone, to this I told her. " I'M NOT CAMPING, I HAVE BEEN DRIVING ALL DAY AND PULLED UP TO SLEEP' person on the phone, I'm assuming the police, told her to leave me alone. She apologised and told me they had a guy in a Motor home die of a heart attack 2 years ago, he was on his own. I assured her I was not going to die and that I was going back to bed.

Venus Bay SA

Ken txt he wanted to call in for a cuppa with his Wife and Daughter, I told him another day, I was on the Nullabor at the moment. LOL.

Tuesday 16/09/2014

Woke up around 6.40 am, went for a drive found a nice spot it was a look out, breathtakingly beautiful

Had breckie, coffee, some old dude went for a walk all the way to the end, stayed there for ages, I thought he was going to jump off!!!!. Drove back into town, thought I'd go into the supermarket/pub/petrol all in one.  It was shut, sign said not open on Tuesdays, thought that was funny had a giggle to my self. This poor bread delivery guy pulled up struggled to get up the steps, then I heard him yell  " your got to be joking". LOL

Drove to Talia, met a couple from Adelaide. I walked down the stairs. OMG !! how beautiful and dangerous, found the sign and put my name on it. "I WAS HERE". ( my surname is Talia) Drove till the end until I came to a fence, only 4WD access.


Drove to Ellinstein information centre, asked about Talia., i was told to go see Ellen at the grocery store, she lives in the township and would know more. I left my details with her someone will contact me., apparently Talia means "flowing water underground"

Drove to Port Lincoln  went straight to sleep, woke up by a knocking on the door, guy told me I had left my lights on, Thankyou stranger.

Wednesday 17/09/2014

Woke up 6.30 am, coffee and toast, drove till 10.00 am, washed and changed, went to Whyalla couldn't find the pier, its all changed, very modern, wanted to buy the blue swimmer crabs, oh well, . School kids waved at me and Athena. they loved that i waved back.  Bought chips at P Augusta, had to fill the tank it went down to 1/2 from Pt Lincoln.  they actually had touch pass, civilisation,.  Stopped at a Pink Lake at 2.30 pm, 160 ks from Adelaide, on Pt Wakefield Hwy.  Will rest here tonight, had salad and fish fingers.

I've gotten into a habit when making my coffee, I make another in a take away cup for the Road.

Drove through Taliem bend, I was going to go on the ferry, but it was out of service.

Sonia rang. , am watching "Rex", cars come and go, hope a Moter Home pulls up for the night.

Last night i was spooked at the pink lake, just out of Snowtown. So I hi tailed it out of their.  Stayed at a big truck stop.

Woke up at dawn, there was only one car near me, he left soon after, I had a beautiful hot shower, egg n spinach and coffee,.

Navman took me through the Adelaide hills, the richer suburbs of Adelaide, lucky we bi passed the city, it was bumper to bumper at  8.30am.   Its all freeway and Hwy to Bodertown. Stopped for lunch at Keith  had a hamburger with the lot, beetroot and pineapple. had a lye down and decided to go to Bordertown.  I found a huge truck stop, there's one Campervan here,
Sitting here with TV and a cuppa tea, orange poppy seed cake, thinking, its our last night, its come to this,

I've loved every minute of it, the good bits and the scary bits, can't wait to see Sonia, Liam and Erin and of course Jason too!!.

I'm sure the trucks will come.  Can't wait to see Liam.

One last long train, one last night with the Road Trains, one last sunset...., beautiful.


Woke up 6.00 am, stayed in bed till 6.30 am, switched on the hotwater service, turned on the stove and griller, it was a bit cold, had coffee and raisin toast, washed and saw there was about 16 Roadtrains, this place is huge, bought bacon and eggs, gosh the servings a big, Horsham drove by the Grampians, beautiful, saw the big Koala, found a dump spot. at Horsham.  Its all straight all the way to Ballarat, lots of roadworks, made good time, had my ceasar salad at the wayside stop near Kryal Castle, waited till 2.30 pm, then headed home with ABBA.

Liam Sonia, Erin and Jason were waiting for me in the driveway, it was nice.  I tooted, Liam was jumping so high that Sonia had to hand him through the window. He gave me such a big strong hug.